new website in Turkey
28.2.2022 8:08.19 377
We are pleased to announce the launch of our brand new website in TURKEY!!! New way how to share our interest in the generation, measurement and characterization of particles in the air, air quality monitoring, data acquisition systems and software.
25.2.2022 14:32.44 345
FILTECH exhibition is here, to be held in Cologne/Germany from Tue, March 8th to Thu, March 10th. Please, come and visit Palas GmbH exhibition booth HALL 8 / A11. We are looking forward to see you there personally, too!
Finishing of annual operation of 11 AQM stations in the northern part of Cyprus
18.2.2022 9:38.05 351
Annual continuous operation of 11 renovated Air Quality Monitoring Stations in the northern part of Cyprus under The Aid Programme of European Commission is just finished with more than 90% availability of valid data, what would not be possible without valuable and kind support of our main long-term partners like ENVEA (FR), PALAS (DE), MCZ (DE), GILL INSTRUMENTS (UK), THIES CLIMA (DE), ENVITECH (SK), and many others, huge thanks and respect to all of you!
My name is FROGGY
17.2.2022 12:06.48 341
Hello, let me introduce myself. My name is Froggy and I will accompany you this year, 2022, when my parent company ENVItech Bohemia is celebrating 30 years. I will try to introduce their employees, realized orders, but also other various interesting places. I believe you will love me and follow me. I look forward to your reactions, comments or ideas. Have a nice day Your FROGGY
Filter Testing Seminar, Gaziantep/Turkey on 11th of May 2022
17.2.2022 8:18.33 325
We would like to kindly invite all possibly interested colleagues and friends to participate our first FILTER TESTING SEMINAR to be held, under highly appreciated support of PALAS GmbH, in NOVOTEL&IBIS hotel in Gaziantep/Turkey on 11th of May 2022.
New Wastewater Quality Monitoring Station
23.11.2021 11:26.54 484
We would like to introduce our new Wastewater Quality Monitoring Station (WQMS) supplied, together with complex central data management system, to Ministry of Tourism and Environment in Northern Cyprus
Closed - November 17, 2021
16.11.2021 14:21.54 443
Our company is closed on November 17, 2021 due to a public holiday.